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Data Transparency and Privacy Information



Detailed information on how we gather and process your personal data, including how the data is used, and an overview of your rights as an individual.

John Turner Leisure Marketing Ltd, trading as Leisure Lists, (‘We’, ‘Us’, ‘Our’) is marketing database company that compiles contact data, and organisational ownership structures from across the Leisure, Hospitality and Tourism industry.

We are committed to protecting your personal information, ensuring compliance with all appropriate UK privacy and data laws.

It is important that you understand when and why we collect personal information about you, and how We use it. It is processed in accordance with the relevant data protection laws, including the Data Protection Act 2018, UK GDPR, the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 and guidance from the UK Information Commissioner's Office.

We are a Data Controller of your personal data, registered with both the Information Commissioner (ZB412405) and Companies House (Brook House, The Paddocks, Cheveley, Cambridgeshire. CB8 9EU).

Telephone: 01638 731974

Email: privacy@leisurelists.co.uk

The personal data we process

  • Your Name
  • Business phone number (if applicable)
  • Business email address
  • Business mailing address

How we collect your data

Telephone researchers call your business and inform you, or a representative at your business, that we would like to gather, or check your information for the purpose of our B2B database. 

We will also research information about you that is in the wider public domain such as your company’s website or business social media profile. We don’t collect or process any sensitive personal information about you, including, but not limited to, Gender, Sexuality, Race, Religion or Political beliefs. 

Legal Basis to process your data

Under current legislation we need a lawful basis to collect and use your personal data. There are six bases we might be able to use, consent and legitimate interests are two that are frequently used in marketing.

Legitimate interests allow data to be legally collected and used providing it is necessary for a legitimate interest of the organisation, it is fair and balanced and, your rights do not override ours.

Due to the nature of Our business, it is not practical, nor possible in some cases, to ask every individual for their consent which is why we rely on legitimate interests. Our databases contain business information which is used to promote the products and services of businesses in the UK; as such these activities are unlikely to adversely affect the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals concerned providing we comply with all Our obligations. Accordingly, John Turner Leisure Marketing Ltd, and our Client’s, process your data on the basis that there is a legitimate interest pursuant to Article 6(1)(f) of the UK GDPR to process your data for commercial direct marketing purposes.

How your information is used

We may use information held about you in the following ways:

  • To promote our Clients’ goods and services which includes direct marketing
  • When contacting you for the above activities we may do so by postal mail, telephone or email unless you tell us otherwise.
  • To conduct statistical or marketing intelligence analysis.
  • We may share information, including personal data, with relevant third parties. Such as licensing marketing lists to our Clients in order for them to promote their goods and services directly. 

Recipients of your data

In pursuance of Our legitimate interests, we will securely transfer your personal data to a broad range of industry clients related to the leisure industry including, but not limited to, the examples below.

In pursuance of their legitimate interests, Our clients will use your data for the same purpose it was originally obtained by Us i.e., direct marketing.

  • Food and Beverage
  • Security and Access control
  • Catering and Concessions
  • Roofing and Rigging
  • Seating and Staging
  • Technology and Lighting
  • Sports Equipment
  • Office Supplies
  • Facilities Management
  • Turf and Lawn supplies
  • Architecture and Design
  • Professional Services
  • Other related suppliers


Any data shared is in compliance with regulatory best practice, Our Terms and Conditions and this Data Transparency and Privacy Policy information.

No personal data is ever sold to third parties. Where data is leased under licence for a single use, 6- or 12-month period, the prospective user is researched and reviewed to ensure suitability. The following conditions must be met before data is supplied;

  • The client is based in the UK or European Economic Area
  • The means, content and proposed frequency of communication is appropriate, relevant and not excessive.
  • The client’s contact information is always available and clear to the post holder.
  • A clear and unambiguous opt-out or unsubscribe options in every communication is offered
  • All data is screened against any necessary official preference services before use
  • All data supplied can only be held and used for the agreed lease period and purpose.
  • All data held must be done so securely and not transferred to any third parties without consent. 
  • All requests to remove data are respected and a record held to prevent further use.

A copy of the full terms and conditions, signed by all John Turner Leisure Marketing Ltd Client’s can be viewed here. 

If requested by recipients, the client must provide Our details as the source of the personal data used and provide a link to this document, from which you can exercise all your data rights.

Where we store your data

All personal data and information processed by Us is held securely in the UK. Internal access is limited to our team of researchers and employees as is deemed relevant to their job role i.e., least privileged access principles. 

Data will not be transferred or stored outside the UK without full compliance with UK GDPR transfer restrictions.

Data Retention

We collect and store personal data for the purpose of our database business. As such, we only retain your personal data for as long as we believe it is up to date. 

We verify each data set on average on a six-monthly cycle basis and data is amended or deleted if you are no longer involved with the business. The maximum period for storage without securing a reverification or update is 2 years (Accuracy Principle).

Your Rights

Our services are only possible with the cooperation of both post holders and staff in those organisations, without which Our business, or the services We provide would not be viable. Our commitment to data transparency, processing, and the quality of Our Client’s products and services can add value to, ensures all communications are will be useful to the post holder’s business duties, and operations. 

You have the right to access your personal data, the right to object to processing of your personal data, for inaccuracies to be amended, for the data to be deleted, or to request a data usage restriction, by contacting John Turner Leisure Marketing Limited by email 
privacy@leisurelists.co.uk, by phone on 01638 731974 or by writing to the Data Controller at the address below: John Turner Leisure Marketing Limited, Brook House, Cheveley, Cambridgeshire CB8 9EU.

We do not normally process personal data on the basis of consent. When we do, you are reminded of your right to withdraw any consent given, at any time.

Making a complaint

If you have any concerns about our use of your personal information, you can make a complaint to us by contacting John Turner Leisure Marketing Limited by email privacy@leisurelists.co.uk, by phone on 01638 731974 or by writing to the Data Controller at the address below: John Turner Leisure Marketing Limited, Brook House, Cheveley, Cambridgeshire CB8 9EU. 

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority, which in the UK is the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

The ICO’s address:           

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Helpline number: 0303 123 1113

ICO website: https://www.ico.org.uk

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