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Quality & Guarantee

We are passionate about quality but with leisure mailing list information changing 25-30% per annum, it’s an impossible task to be 100% correct each and every time. 

However, as well as cleaning our leisure database on a rolling basis, every six months via telephone, we also offer clients the best guarantee available on any data within the UK as follows:

Data for mailing and telemarketing: for any inaccurate record from our leisure mailing lists returned to us within six weeks of supply detailing the correction, we will offer a refund of £1 per record.

Data for emailing: any hard bounces received back within six weeks of data supply from our leisure mailing lists will be re-verified by Leisure Lists and supplied back within one week of return, for re-broadcasting.

We are 100% confident that Leisure Lists’ leisure mailing lists are the most comprehensive and accurate data sets available covering the UK leisure market and supported by the market’s most generous guarantee.

Click here for Terms and Conditions

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