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Corporates with Leisure

Leisure Lists

Corporates with Leisure Database

Our list of Corporates with Leisure is a contact list of selected companies with leisure facilities including sports grounds and health & fitness facilities.

Corporate Premises' Decision Makers

Contacts available include the Social Club Manager, the Health & Fitness Manager and the Sports Ground Manager. This small list would be very relevant for a variety of suppliers including fitness equipment, turf machinery and catering products.

This list is telephone researched on a six monthly basis to ensure that it is accurate as possible for maximum response. Data can be selected by region, postcode, drive time zones or by facilities offered i.e. company sports ground, health & fitness facility or social club. Data is available for rental either for one time use or for unlimited use for twelve months for mailingemail broadcasting or telemarketing purposes.

A summary view of the data


Named Mailing List Contacts


Named Email Contacts


Named Phone Contacts


Industry Leading Guarantee

Leisure Lists offers the most comprehensive database of emails covering corporates with leisure for the various decision makers supported by the best guarantee – any email hard bounces experienced will be re-verified and supplied back to you.

For postal mailing or telemarketing data, any inaccuracy with our leisure corporate database reported within six weeks of supply will be covered by £1 per record refund – the best data guarantee in the UK being nearly five times the rental price.

For the best return with your leisure corporate database consider using postal mailing in conjunction with an email broadcast.

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